

Includes resume, one-pagers of work done, and examples of programming and data science projects

View the Project on GitHub RicardoFrankBarrera/Data-Science-Portfolio


I’m Ricardo Frank Barrera, a Program Manager and Data Scientist and this is my GitHub Page. I have experience managing teams large (20+) and small (me) but I’ll be focusing this page on my Data Science projects. Though this page is meant to highlight some of what I’ve done professionally, I hope it educates others on how impactful, broadly applicable, and approachable Data Science is to most businesses.

In here and in my GitHub repository, you’ll find:

Thanks for stopping by!


Professional Projects

@Microsoft - Markov Model of Cosmos’ Big Data Storage System

@Microsoft - Optimizing Cosmos’ Storage Compression Policy

@Accolade - Health Assistant Recommendation System

@Accolade - Data Science 101 - Hypothesis Driven Development

@My Startup - Real-Estate Investment Recommendation Service

@Consulting - Yoga Studio Instructor Compensation Strategy

@Kaggle - Modeling Altruistic Requests on Reddit

Reference - Data Science Architectures